food science

Precision Fermentation: TurtleTree Uses Microbes to Fuel a Cow-less Milk Revolution

We learned a bit in my previous blog about precision fermentation and how we can use the power of engineering microorganisms to craft the products we want from simple ingredients like fruits and vegetables! In this follow-up story we are going to step into the world of cutting-edge innovation as we talk with a groundbreaking company that is paving its way in this field: TurtleTree!

Fermentation: From Bioreactors to Your Plate

Let’s travel through time, looking at the history and future of a field where food and science meet, fermentation! Fermentation uses microorganisms that act like tiny chefs to convert simple ingredients into delicious flavors. Fermentation has given us everything from tangy yogurt to fluffy bread. Yet, as technology leaps forward, we are entering a new chapter: precision fermentation. This innovative approach merges the ancient art of fermentation with cutting-edge science, allowing us to engineer microorganisms to craft new products that were once unimaginable.