The UC Davis Institute for Regenerative Cures (IRC) Hosts the SPARK Program
2024 UC Davis SPARK Research Scholars
- Paul Calmac (Granite Bay HS)
- Angelina Gan (Cosumnes Oaks HS)
- Yuvraj Gill (Sheldon HS)
- Xayra Renat Herrera Zurita (Davis Senior HS)
- Kelly Loi (Sheldon HS)
- Chigozie Monye (Sheldon HS)
- Dilshodbek Namozov (Mira Loma HS)
- Charynna Pe Benito (Cosumnes Oaks HS)
- Manahil Rehman (Folsom HS)
- Bahar Zahir (Sheldon HS)
The SPARK leadership team includes UC Davis colleagues, SPARK PI Prof. Fernando Fierro, Ms. Eliza Cocker, Dr. Denneal Jamison-McClung, and Stem Cell Program director, Prof. Jan Nolta. We work closely with faculty mentors and researchers at the IRC and Stem Cell Biology Program to offer this unique research experience to area high school students – the work of these research mentors on behalf of the SPARK program is deeply appreciated!
Topics of Study
Each year, SPARK Research Scholars at UC Davis are introduced to human stem cell biology with a specific emphasis on adult, embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells. Prof. Fierro leads the Bio225 course that includes the high school scholars, as well as master’s degree students from Sacramento State University. Topics generally include how stem cells are isolated or generated, how they are cultured, and how they are used for regenerative and gene therapies. Students also learn about Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and how to manufacture human stem cells, obtaining a certificate at the end of the course.
Learning Objectives
- Discern the differences between embryonic, induced pluripotent, and adult stem cells.
- Learn stem cell culture techniques and applications.
- Explore current therapies for human diseases using stem cells.
- Become familiar with federal regulations and good manufacturing practices.
- Learn about product manufacturing within a GMP Facility.
For more information on the UC Davis SPARK program, see the UC Davis Institute for Regenerative Cures training program page.
California Institute for Regenerative Cures (CIRM) Funding Makes the SPARK Research Scholar Program Possible
In Their Own Words... Student Blogs!
SPARK participants have shared their summer research experiences on our WordPress blog. For many, this has been a life-changing experience.
The Summer Program to Accelerate Regenerative Medicine Knowledge (SPARK) is an initiative of the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine, making competitive grant awards to applicants at WASC accredited research institutions in California. SPARK evolved from the CIRM Creativity Award Program for high school students. Seven inaugural awardees were announced in January 2016, and UC Davis was in good company! SPARK Programs were also funded at the California Institute of Technology, Cedars Sinai, Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI), City of Hope, Stanford School of Medicine and UC San Francisco. Our team received a CIRM SPARK award renewal in 2022 and will support the eight-week summer research experience for ten high school students from Northern California for several more years. To catch up on the latest research advances and training programs for stem cell research in California, check out CIRM’s official blog, The Stem Cellar.
2025 SPARK Research Scholar Application Process
In the following sections, we describe the award, student eligibility guidelines, UC Davis Medical Center Volunteer Services requirements and the application sections, so that students can prepare their application materials before starting to fill out the online form. The information will be updated annually but past award materials will serve as a good general guideline for what to expect on future application requests.
General Information: What is a SPARK Research Scholar Award?
SPARK Research Scholar Awards will allow students to take part in an eight-week, mentored research project at the UC Davis Institute for Regenerative Cures, including a certificated course in stem cell biology and exposure to clinical medicine. Student awardees will receive a financial stipend of $2,500 for full participation in the summer program.
The 2025 training program will take place at the UC Davis Institute for Regenerative Cures from June 16th to August 8th and trainees will have the opportunity to present their stem cell biology research projects at a 2-day CIRM-SPARK Trainee Meeting in early August 2025.
Important Dates
- March 19, 2025 – SPARK Research Scholar Award Applications Due by 11:59pm via online form.
- Mid-April 2025 – SPARK Research Scholar Awards Announced
- Late April thru Early June (exact dates TBA) – Mandatory UCDMC Volunteer Services On-Boarding and Orientation Meeting/Information Session for selected SPARK Research Scholars (Note: Awardees should plan to attend one of the meeting dates, which will be announced with the awards. Awardees who do not attend a UCDMC Volunteer Services Orientation meeting or who do not pass the background check and complete other on-boarding requirements will not be able to participate in the summer research program and will forfeit their award.)
- June 16, 2025 – Research Scholar Orientation and Biosafety Training, UC Davis Institute for Regenerative Cures (9am-5pm, mandatory attendance)
- June 16, 2025 – August 8, 2025, SPARK Research Scholar Program (~8 weeks, mandatory attendance, M-F, 8am-5pm)
- August 2025 TBA - CIRM-SPARK Trainee Meeting (2 days, mandatory attendance)
Who may receive a SPARK Research Scholar Award?
Up to ten SPARK Research Scholar Awards will be made to currently enrolled high school students who meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Submit the online SPARK Research Scholar Award Application by 11:59pm on March 19, 2025.
- Attend a public or private high school within a 45-mile radius from the UC Davis Institute for Regenerative Cures (2921 Stockton Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95817). Students just outside of this geographic radius (an additional ~5-mile radius) may petition to apply and decisions will be made by the application review committee on a case-by-case basis based on the quality of the student application materials. For students 50 miles or more away, please check the CIRM Internships website for programs that may be closer to home.
- Meet eligibility requirements for Volunteer Services at the UC Davis Medical Center, including the volunteer age requirement (participants must be 16 years of age on or before June 16, 2025). Students selected to participate will undergo a full on-boarding process, including signing of a confidentiality waiver, passing a background check, photo-taking for the ID badge, and completion of all forms. UCDMC Volunteer Services will require timely submission of the following vaccine/medical documentation (Note: it is recommended to start the TB test ASAP, as it is the most common reason for a delay/inability to participate):
- MMR - 2 dates for MMR (Rubella, Rubeola & Mumps).
- TB test (PPD Version) - TWO STEP PROCESS, 1st test within the 12 months, and 2nd test within 3 months of the volunteer start date, or, a TB Quantiferon Gold blood draw within 12 months. If you test positive for TB, you will be required to perform additional steps (please inquire with Volunteer Services).
- VARICELLA (chicken pox) - 2 dates for Varicella or documentation from a physician stating you have had a serology showing immunity to the virus.
- Flu vaccination – full vaccination status as required by the UC Davis Health System.
- COVID-19 vaccination – full vaccination status (including booster) as required by the UC Davis Health System.
- Attend a mandatory UCDMC Volunteer Services Orientation meeting sometime in late April, May or early June (exact dates TBA – sign up for one of the announced dates with UCDMC).
- Attend the mandatory UC Davis Institute for Regenerative Cures Program Orientation and Biosafety Training meeting on June 16, 2025.
- Have availability ~8am-5pm (M-F) for the duration of the research experience, participating in all related research, coursework, training and group activities, including social media posts and the CIRM SPARK Trainee Meeting (2-days in mid-August, location TBA, transportation will be provided from UCDMC to the event location).
- Have transportation to and from the UC Davis Institute for Regenerative Cures in Sacramento for the duration of the program, June 16 - August 8, 2025 (~8 weeks).
Application Components
What does a complete SPARK Research Scholar Award application include?
SPARK Research Scholar Awards will be made based on review of complete application materials submitted on time (no later than 11:59pm on March 19, 2025) via the online form, including:
Student Demographic Information
- Contact Email
- Student First Name
- Student Last Name
- Student Birthdate (must be 16 before the start of the SPARK program)
- Student Grade Level
- Student Cumulative GPA (review committee reserves the right to ask for verification via official transcripts)
- Name of Student High School or Academic Program
- Address of Student High School (for determination of eligibility within 45-mile radius of UC Davis Institute for Regenerative Cures)
- Citizenship (U. S. Citizen, U. S. Permanent Resident or Other)
- Gender (Female, Male, Nonbinary, Prefer Not to State, or Other)
- Ethnicity (Note: CIRM has adapted categories used by the National Science Foundation and the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey: Hispanic/Latino; Not Hispanic/Latino; Ethnicity Category Unknown/Prefer Not to State)
- Race (Note: CIRM has adapted categories used by the National Science Foundation and the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey: American Indian/Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander; Black/African American; White; Hispanic or Latino; More Than One Race; Other Race; Race Unknown/Prefer Not to State)
- Asian or Pacific Islander Demographic Groups (Note: The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine is a California state-funded organization administering the SPARK program. By law, the State of California collects granular data on major Asian groups (e.g., Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Korean, Vietnamese, Asian Indian, Laotian, Cambodian) and major Pacific Islander groups (e.g., Hawaiian, Guamanian, Samoan). Click here to learn more about this California law. Students choosing the "Asian" or "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander" race category will be asked to indicate the specific major group(s) that best describes their background.)
- First Generation College Student Status (Note: Question must be completed. More information on this status at UC Davis First Gen Initiative). Options are: 1) One or more parents or guardians attended a 4-year college and earned a bachelor’s degree or 2) Neither parent(s) nor guardian(s) attended a 4-year college and earned a bachelor’s degree.
- Other Key Demographics (Note: National Institute of Health definitions are used to define the following demographic categories applicable to CIRM-SPARK participants: Disadvantaged and Disability)
Student Statement of Intent with Three Written Sections
- Learning Section: What do you hope to learn through the Research Scholar experience? What strengths will you bring to the program? How will this research experience further your academic and career goals? (500 words or less)
- Life Experiences and Extracurricular Activities Section: What types of extracurricular activities, contests (e. g. Teen Biotech Challenge), at-home responsibilities, volunteer work or employment opportunities have you engaged in during the past year or so? How have these helped you to grow as a scholar and community member? If chosen as a SPARK Research Scholar, what types of soft skills will you bring to our team environment? (500 words or less)
- Logistics Section: Do you live close enough to the UC Davis Institute for Regenerative Cures (2921 Stockton Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95817) in Sacramento, CA, to fully participate in mandatory meetings, eight weeks of full-time training (8am-5pm, M-F) and to attend the 2-day CIRM SPARK Trainee Meeting in mid-August (Note: meeting potentially involves in-state travel and overnight hotel stay)? Describe any hardships (transportation, financial, personal) that you may experience if selected to participate in the program. (500 words or less)
Post-Award Processes
SPARK Research Scholar Awards will be announced via email in mid-April. Student awardees will need to work with our team at the Institute for Regenerative Cures to complete all required UC Davis Medical Center Volunteer Services forms needed for on-boarding and sign up for the mandatory orientation meetings. Failure to complete the required UCDMC Volunteer Services processes will result in forfeiture of the award, including the $2,500 stipend.
As described above, SPARK Research Scholar awardees will be invited to participate in a summer research experience while following all relevant campus public health and safety measures, as outlined by UC Davis Medical Center Volunteer Services.
Questions about the application process may be directed to the UC Davis Biotechnology Program biotechprogram@ucdavis.edu. After awards are announced, the best contact person for on-boarding will be Ms. Eliza Cocker.